What's the value of a digital image?

Now you might be thinking- wait. What? Aren't digitals easy and simple to snap? Shouldn't digital be the cheapest thing a photographer offers?

The answer is Nope! Photos on your phone might be easy enough to snap, but here at Precious Steps Photography, your images go through several steps to bring them to the final artwork that you see.

First, we create custom-designed sets so that your session matches your vision perfectly. Next, we use a combination of beautiful posing, angles, lighting, and camera setting to capture the most incredible images. After that, we hand-edit the images until they glow with perfection so that you walk away with what you deserve: the very best.

These digital images are the culmination of a lot of work, time, and energy.

Here's a question for you: What has more value- a cow or a glass of milk? A cow of course. From the cow, you can produce as much milk as you want (and even get a steak out of it eventually)!

So... Why are we talking about cows? Here's the deal: Digital images are like a cow. They have the ability to keep producing products (albums, wall art, and prints), and so while the product is gorgeous and everlasting, the digital image has more intrinsic value.

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So now that you've realized the worth of digital images, it makes a lot of sense why many photographers do not even offer their digital images for sale. With such a valuable image, it would be upsetting to see an image just sitting on a phone or printed with low-quality materials. These images deserve to be displayed and they require the very best material to show their full beauty.

At Precious Steps Photography you get the best of both worlds. I believe that we live in a digital world that's getting more advanced by the day, and so, I offer you the products, as well as the digitals of every image purchased. The digitals are there so that you can share with family and friends, make small reprints, and have on your phone. You also get beautiful art products that will allow you to display and view these gorgeous images in a tangible way.

Products hold a huge amount of value, and at the end of the day, I promise, you will end up enjoying your heirloom album much more than your digital images! But when all is said and done, digitals are like cows! Their value is intrinsically higher, and therefore it should be the most expensive thing a photographer sells.

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